Name (in-game):ArrowofDeath
Class:Gaia fighter working on archer
TimeZone/Country you live:United states Eastern
Usual times logged in*:6-8 on weekdays and whenver i can on weekends
Past Guilds:Nightangels, Love( left after about 1 1/2 days)
Past Servers:Salamander
Past Games played:Eo, Eq 1 &2, Wow, Dod, Phoenix Dynasty, Corum, Legend of Ares. Heroes, Upshift Strikeracer, (and forgetting a few others)
Reason for Joining*:I want a place to be able to find people to party with and ask questions + i like helping enwbs
What can you offer to TheForgotten*: Love to help newbs and I've tried every class and try to memorize quests or read the forum at least once a week
Additional stuff: Not afraid to work and if needed i can make a healer i have exprience