Name (in-game):BlueDiamonds
Level:35 and working hard to lvl
TimeZone/Country you live:Eastern USA
Usual times logged in*:Retired I do play at least 4 to 6 hours per day and usually more
Past Guilds:ShadowWalkers (I was usually the only one on line in the guild, so i decided to find a freindly active guild. I believe i still have a few days left before i can join another guild.)
Past Servers:Salamandar (this server crashed to much, really disliked starting over, but it was worth it)
Past Games played:Anarchy Online and Guild Wars
Reason for Joining*:I find that good guilds make the game highly enjoyable
What can you offer to TheForgotten*:I am new to this particular game and what little i do know i have taught myself and/or researched and read up on. So basically at this time, i do not have much to offer the guild, but hopefully as i grow and level in this game, i will have much to offer. Once i am more confident, i will help others when they need it, things like that and what ever the guild needs as a whole i will help with also.
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